There is only so much that you can do while IN the saddle

Strength - Mobility-Confindence

You are here...because you have tried it ALL before.  

You’ve done lessons, and clinics, and tried all the training aids. Your horse has seen the dentist, physio, and back man but you still seem to be stuck on that one thing

That one thing is working on YOU

With this one thing, you can 

To see your dressage scores improve

To move up to the next level in competing 

To feel confident that you can handle your horse in any situation

Chrissy pushes you to get the best out of your workout while still making it enjoyable.”



FREE “Happy Hips for Horse riding” Guide

Do your hips feel tight when riding?

Do they feel like they are grinding when walking?

Maybe even lying in bed you can feel the tension in them?

If this sounds like you then this is for you!

“When I do my own exercises, I tend to avoid the ones that I don't like - which are exactly the ones I need. Chrissy gives a balanced, changing routine, which deals with all the muscle groups and doesn't get boring.”


Hi I’m Chrissy

 ..and this is my horse, Sam.

I’m an Equestrian strength coach and Neuromuscular therapist but most importantly, I am an Equestrian.

We Equestrians love our horses and would do anything for them but this often means we put ourselves so far down the list that we neglect our own health.

This in turn can affect how we ride, and even sometimes our enjoyment of the sport we hold so dear to our hearts.

This is why I’ve made it my mission to educate Equestrians on the benefits of strength training and help equestrians:

To improve their riding position,

Rehab old injuries,

Or, just feel more confident both in and out of the saddle

And trust me... Your horse will thank you too!


FREE “Supple shoulders for the saddle” Guide

Are you struggling to keep your shoulders back while riding?

Do you spend all day at a desk making them stiff and sore?

Looking for something easy that you can do to improve these issues?

This is why I created this guide!

  • Stable

    1:1 online coaching programme

    Bespoke programme tailored to your needs with constant support over 8 weeks

  • Leg up

    Online group monthly group membership for equestrians looking to start strength training with other equestrians

Why not? Podcast by Chrissy Hawkins

Listen to my podcast

In a world where everyone asks Why? I’m here to ask why not?

Would you like to read my blog?

I like to write almost as much as I like to talk

Chrissy Hawkins blog

You may think it’s easy for me to say it as I am a personal trainer but…

Believe me when I tell you that I’ve been there!

I’ve been frustrated with my horse not listening to me

I’ve struggled to shake off an injury because I was trying to ignore it.

I’ve been nervous when going into a competition or even just riding somewhere different cos I didn’t know what my horse would do

Things only really changed when I stopped focusing on what I could do for Same and started focusing on me!

I want to do the same for other horse riders who are constantly tearing themselves down and not believing in themselves because of these things.

You are as important as your horse, You are part of a team, You are strong and confident and it’s time to let your team perform to its potential!