We all need a Leg up sometimes

and this is where you can find one


Have you heard that strength training can help you with your riding but you don’t know where to start?

Are you worried it will be too much or find the gym intimidating?

Maybe this is all new to you and you find it completely overwhelming.

Resistance-based training isn’t just what you see on social media

It can be tailored for all levels and if you are a beginner this will be perfect for you!

The “Leg up” online training group is for you to get started at a pace that is manageable

Next spots will come available on that the end of February until then you can check out my online workouts or stable programme

One of the best things about being an equestrian is our sense of community..

This is why I created “Leg up” a community where like-minded equestrians can come together, start a fitness journey and have some time for themselves (and of course talk about our horses)

Maybe you’ve thought about training before and felt like “you just don’t have the time” or you’re "worried it will take away from time with your horse” or maybe you’ve tried it before and “just didn’t like it”

But what if you were surrounded by people JUST LIKE YOU

Working towards similar goals and not just trying to get a sweat on with workouts that will have you crippled for days

What if the results you got from training could translate into your riding, helping both you and your horse?

Next intake for Leg-Up is coming soon,Join the waitlist here!


I am stronger and more motivated than I’ve ever been, physically and mentally.

So if you are an equestrian who:

🐴 Wants to improve your confidence when riding

🐴 Wants to be able to ride for longer without being "gassed"

🐴 Would like to try strength-based training but find gyms intimidating

🐴 Wants to protect yourself as much as possible from injury as you get older

You're in the right place, but that's not all. This programme is perfect for you if:

🐴You are a complete beginner who has never tried anything like this before

🐴You've tried gyms but it was a long time ago

🐴You are recovering from an injury and want to get back your strength

I'm creating this group for people of the same level and most importantly the same love of horses!


I'm Chrissy, an online strength coach who works with equestrians to help them improve their riding position, rehab injuries and feel stronger and more confident, both in and out of the saddle..

I’m a qualified personal trainer, Neuromuscular therapist and amateur equestrian. I’ve been through it all with my own horse over the years and this is why I feel like I can help YOU!


Chrissy is a great coach, very professional, full of solid sound advice. Highly recommended

So how does it all work?

Leg up is a Rolling monthly membership which includes:

  • A simple and effective programme that can be done at home or in the gym

  • 3 live sessions a week (Tuesday 5 pm, Thursday 9 am, Saturday 11 am)

  • Videos of all exercises so you know what you're doing, if you can’t make the lives

  • Weekly Group check-in with me

  • Access to true coach an app where you will find your programme and can provide feedback on workouts in between check-ins 

  • Support and  guidance from someone who knows how you feel in a group of people just like you

  • Access to me to send videos of you doing the exercises so you can feel confident when training alone

All of this for a monthly investment of €119

IF you’ve been reading this and thinking “This is exactly what I’ve been looking for” The next intake is at the end of February so click the button to book a call

I’ve put a few FAQS below to answer anything you might be thinking...


I have a really tight schedule how will I fit this in?

Look I get it, horses take up  A LOT of time but this is the great thing about group coaching with me. Each month we will follow the same programme (with adaptions or modifications where needed) that can be done at home or in the gym. I tailor my programmes to the needs of my clients as equestrians. I want you to get the most enjoyment you can out of horse riding. We will have a weekly group check-in but if you can’t make it you can still contact me or pose questions to the group through the week.

How would gym work improve my riding?

Gym work is more than just lifting heavy weights or killing yourself doing burpees. By improving your strength your aids will be more clear to the horse when you ask them to do something. Strengthening your core will make improve your posture and help you feel more balanced in the saddle and Building muscle will help you protect your joints and bones when you fall off. 

I am new to training how can I be sure I’m doing it right?

Don’t worry we’ve all been new to something once, all exercises will have videos for you to view but don’t forget you can contact also me. I encourage people to send me videos so I can help them to feel more confident when performing exercises and improve their movement. The exercises that I use in programmes are straightforward and not like some of the mad ones you see on social media!

Am I too old to start something like this

Not at all, I have worked with clients from the ages of 15-80+. You’re never too old to start, and the only thing I have heard from older clients is that they wish they started sooner!

At what age can I start this type of training?

Currently, I will take on anyone from the age of 16 years old, if you are under 18 you will need written consent from your parents.

How does the payment work?

ITs a rolling payment that will come out every 30 calendar days. You can cancel it at any time and your membership will be valid until the end of that month.

Still have questions?

I’m happy to answer any questions that you may have so feel free to send them in through this form