What NOT to do if you over indulged at the weekend..

Did you have a bit too much fun this weekend?

Are you feeling a bit rough? or a bit bloated?

Maybe ever a lil guilty?

The most important thing if this is the case is, NOT to punish yourself for the weekend!

You don’t need to starve yourself, do crazy amounts of cardio and beat yourself up for eating and drinking too much.

Instead of doing that try this instead:

  1. Drink water- especially if you drank a lot at the weekend you want to rehydrate so your body isn’t holding onto excess water, aim to drink 2 litres of water minimum

  2. Exercise — I’m not saying go do some crazy HIIT workout or something to “sweat it all out”. A light workout will or even a walk will make you feel better. Any movement at all will make you feel good (especially if you’ve been lying on the couch dying all day like I was yesterday)

  3. Get loads of veggies into your dinner — focus on nutrient dense food to get some vitamins and fibre back in. It’s tempting to reach for another take away when you feel ugh, but you will feel better in the long run if you have some nutritious food!

  4. Remember that just because you indulged, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Maybe you met friends or family that you havent seen in a long time, or you were celebrating a big occasion. You were creating memories and focus on them instead of what you ate or drank, because they were more important right?

There will probably be a lot of occasions over the next few months becuase we’ve been locked in for so long, you’ll probably go to the opening of an envelope if you can! So remember to enjoy it and the memories you are creating and don’t be hard on yourself!

How was your weekend?


How are you meant to love yourself if everything you see is meant to make you feel bad about yourself?


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