Do you start your diet every monday?
Do you like to start your diet on a Monday? New week, New oppertunities, New you!
Now have you started a new diet every Monday for the last 8 weeks, 8 months, 8 years?
Does this sound familiar?
Its very easy to get revved up for something at the start of a new week, month or year. However, what happens when the motivation inevitatbly dips? Do you keep going, or do you write off the rest of the week and start again Monday?
Monday comes and you’re not feeling it for whatever reason. You could be very stressed. Or you had a shit nights sleep. Or even the thought of starting has become so overhwelming that you just go ‘fuck it’.
Then because you haven’t started on a Monday, you think you have to wait again until the next week. Or you broke by Wednesday, so may as well go all out until the next Monday.
Then you wonder why you can’t get results.
If you got one flat tyre, you wouldn’t throw a fit and slash the other three would you?
It sounds ridiculous right?
So why do we do that when it comes to our health?
Personally I always prefer to start on a Tuesday because, for whatever reason I never seem to get going the way I want on Mondays (maybe its the rebel in me going against the grain, you say monday I go tuesday)
Would you slash all your tyres over one flat?
If you have started today. If you have a ‘slip up’ before the end of the week. Don’t slash the other 3 tyres.
Look at what little things you can do to keep the car on the road moving towards your destination.
By doing this you are already closer than you’ve ever been!
If you do this each week..
Try this instead!