Are you setting up the right environment to achieve?

Does this sound familiar to you?

Its January 1st and you think ‘right thats it. THIS is the year i get fit no excuses’

You empty the presses of all ‘bad’ foods. You sign up to that exercise programme. You’ve locked away all the alcohol.

Your partner is on the same buzz and you’re both ready to shed those pounds.

Easy right?


What happens when you go to your paremts, or the in laws, and they are offering you cake, or biscuits, or a second dinner just because you’ve popped by.

Then your partner gets fed up and orders a massive takeaway and has a bottle of wine, while you sit there sulking and pretending you’re enjoying your ‘fakeaway’.

Your partner, who does the shopping, is starting to buy all those things you’ve been missing, and they are just looking at you. Calling you. Willing you to eat them.

Works getting stressful and you’re dying for a drink.

It’s now mid february and you’re just fed up.

So all hell breaks lose. You have one biscuit, then two,then six, well fuck it now you’re going to have that bottle of wine and the takeaway, sure whats the point now?

Now one thing you probably did was try to change too much at once, but you also didn’t surround yourself with the right people when you were ready to make this change (don’t worry I’m not telling you to break up with your partner..unless you want to)

You are the five people closest to you. What that means is, The five people closest to you are very successfull you’re likely to become the sixth and conversly. If the five people closest to you are overweight and unhealthy.. well I’ve some bad news for you.

If these are the type of people surrounding you, its likely that they won’t be most enthused with your goal of changing. They may not say it, but they will be thinking it and their actions will show it too. Offering you that slice of cake, or those extra few drinks.

So How do we combat this?

First look at your plan and make sure its not too much too soon.

Then in good time before you start make sure you let everyone know you will be doing this and to respect it. You appreciate that they are thinking of you but also, you would be really greatful if they didn’t offer you anything like this for the first few weeks. Then if they do you can gentally remind them of your request.

Try to curate your news feed on social media with people who inspire you to keep going, rather than people going on the sesh.

Most importantly don’t let your partner do the shopping! (I joke)

When things start to get easier with your nutrition and training, it will be easier to factor these things back in more frequently. But you need everyone around you to work with you until that happens.

And don’t let anyone tell you you’re a dry shite for doing it!


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