3 things to remember about your fitness tracker

Fitness Trackers/watches are great! I have one myself and I love it.

But there are a few things you may need to remind yourself if you have one, So here are three things I think you need to know about your fitness tracker:

  1. They are not accurate at calculating caloies burned in a workout. Stanford University did a study on several well known brands, and while they were shown to accurately monitor heart rates, the same cannot be said for calories burned. The closest tracker still registered a 20% inaccuracy! So if you are considering eating back your calories burned, you are likely to overeat.

  2. Most of these trackers or apps will undercalculate your required calorie intake for weightloss.. by a lot! No grown adults should be on a 1200 kcal a day diet. as it is the recomended intake for a toddler! If you really want your caloies calculated get a coach, or someone who it trained to do this so it can be done in a more sustainable manner.

  3. The 10,000 step goal was created buy a Japanese company who in 1965 decided this was the optimal amount for health. They called their pedometer “Manpo-kei” which literally means “10,000 steps -meter” and this stuck as the industry standard.

I am not saying now that you should bin your tracker, and sit on the couch. Having things like a step goal, and a way to monitor your heart rate,or water intake can be very benificial to your overall journey.

I’m just saying be mindful of this ,and if things like not getting your 10,000 steps are giving you anxiety, maybe its time to take a break from your tracker!

Let me know your favourite and least favourite things about your fitness tracker or if you don’t have one do you feel like you’re missing out?

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