10 reasons that you should work with me

I often get people asking me when I say that I’m a strength coach for equestrians “but why would you need a coach when I can work on my riding in the saddle? “ or “What's the reason for out-of-saddle training?”

Well since I’ve recently rebranded my “strong in the saddle” programme to the “stable” programme so I thought that now was a good time to explain the reason. But instead of one reason I wanted to give you 10 reasons you should work with me:

  1. It's online - we equestrians are busy people, we have horses and other lesser responsibilities, trying to organise a time with a coach can be a nightmare but working with an online coach means you can do your programme IN YOUR OWN time and still have someone to ask questions if you need them.

  2. I do the thinking, so you don’t have to - have you ever joined a gym or wanted to start a workout programme and just gotten so confused and overwhelmed that you just gave up? This is where I come in, I do that work for you so that you don’t have to, and can explain anything to you, which means, no more endless google and more importantly no more overwhelm.

  3. I’m an equestrian too - So many PTs out there do not understand our sport. They can’t comprehend just how PHYSICAL and TIME-CONSUMING  horse riding and looking after a horse actually is. So when they give you these intense/long workouts you just don't have the energy/ time. They think it’s just laziness or excuses. but this is where I’m different. I get it. I understand that when you say you’re busy, you are BUSY. This is why I am able to tailor my workouts to your schedule but still make them work for your goals.

Having a plan is half the battle


8. You will be able to enjoy it more - for both your riding and training, if you feel more strong and more stable, you're going to enjoy riding more. Also, if you feel like you know what you're doing when you are exercising it takes so much stress out of it. You’ll actually be able to measure your progress instead of feeling like you are wasting time going nowhere.

9. You will feel so much more confident -if you feel more in control you will feel more confident, if you feel more confident you will sit up and ride forward, instead of collapsing down whenever your horse so much as pricks its ears at something different in the yard. This will make your riding much more enjoyable as you won’t feel worried something is going to happen all of the time.

10. Do it for your pony - Your being stronger and more balanced will translate down to your horse. Think about how hard it is to run or move with a bag bouncing on your back, that's what it feels like for them! So if you won’t do it for yourself, at least do it for your horse. I promise you that they will thank you for it.


Sam wondering why I always insist on making him exercise


4. I’m not just a PT I’m also a neuromuscular therapist - what does that mean? I am a certified physical therapist, which means I understand how to fix injuries. I also know how to work around injuries if you are still carrying one that inhibits you from doing some exercises. I can even work with you to master exercises that you never thought you could do.

5. Easy to follow programmes - I’m not going to waste your time with the most complex exercises that you see on social media. My programmes are simple and effective. I also use an app called True coach, which provides videos of all the exercises. You won’t have to spend half your workout looking up videos on youtube to figure out what the hell I’m talking about!

6. Injury prevention - Strength training not only builds muscle, but it also increases bone density. Having stronger bones means you are less likely to fracture them should you fall off. But that's not all,  having muscle gives protection to your joints and supports them, which can also prevent injury in these scenarios.

7. Improved mobility - What if I told you that you can improve your mobility with strength training? Stretching is the go-to way to improve mobility but it is only temporary. Our muscles can become weakened from previous injuries or lack of use. If you can strengthen your muscles through all ranges of motion it will be a lot easier to move into those ranges. All of this jargon is basically to say, you will feel less stiff!  How does this affect riding? Think about mounting and dismounting, Sitting up in a proper position or just feeling less tense after riding.

If you move better your horse moves better


I hope this answered any questions or queries that you may have about my stable programme. Instead of having 1 reason not to maybe you now have 10 reasons to sign up!


  I will have space to take on 3 clients in April. So if you’ve been putting off starting my programme this is your time to do it. 

You can find all the info on the stable programme, how it works and how to book a discovery call here. Can’t wait to talk to you


Am I still a horse girl?


Why Strength training is important for Equestrians