Chrissy Hawkins fitness

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Riding properly is hard!

So recently I’ve been focusing on taking my own advice while riding and I’ve realised this.. its bloody hard!

Especially if you are in the habit of just potterong around and going through the motions.

If you are not training for anything in particular it can be very easy to fall into these kinds of patterns.

Warm up


Trot (with a circle or two for good measure)

Canter (few more cirlces)

Cool down

Sound familiar?

I knwo this is what I have been doing for a long time so recently I decided to try focus on my position and doing all the things that I’ve been telling you all to do.

My bum doesn’t want to stay under me.

My legs muscles get sore when holding on.

My shoulders creep forward.

But thats ok.

I’ve not been doing it for so long, I can’t automatically fix all these habits.

But what I can do is do it for a long as I can and then take a break until I build back up these muscles.

It will come with time.

The original habits didn’t happen over night so I have to be patient with bringing new habits in and I can do some of the work at home too to help this become even easier!

Have you tried to adjust your position? How did you find it?