Chrissy Hawkins fitness

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Carbs are not making you fat!

The ‘diet’ world goes through phases of pointing the finger of blame at one food group that is making us all fat.

In the 90s it was fat (pretty easy one of course) and now in recent times it seems to be carbs.

We’ve probably all seen those keto warriors saying how great they feel now they don’t eat carbs (but lets face it, we know they’d give their right arm for a slice of cake.. I would anyway).

Now don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with the ketogenic diet (see I know its full name #science). But unless its for medical reasons, why would you put yourself on one of the most restrictive diets out there, just to shed those few (or more) extra pounds that you are carrying.

Well unless you want to be miserable while doing it..

The reason we all jump on keto is by cutting carbs, you suddenly see a massive drop in scale weight in a short period in time, partially because you have most likely cut calories without noticing and also you lose a tonne of water weight.

And while the short term results may be amazing, how many of you have checked back in with whoever was screaming from the rooftops about this diet 6 months later? how do they look then? are they still loving life and look the same or are they back to how they were 6 months later?

You may have heard the terms ‘energy balance’ or ‘calorie deficit’ while researching your new diet plan.

If you have and haven’t looked into it, here is what they mean:

Energy balance is the relationship between calories in (food) and calories out (energy expenditure -walks,sleeping,living)

If you are in a positve energy stateyou are taking in more calories than you need and these excess calories get stored as bodyfat.

If you are in a negative energy state you are taking in less calories than your body needs and your body will access those bodyfat stores in order make up that energy deficit.

If you are in a neutral energy state you will see no difference.

So really all you need is that small reduction in calories to start that fatloss journey. (Maybe just eat the one mars bar instead of 5)

This change alone won’t feel so difficult and the best part is you can still have all the fun stuff like bread and cake!

The best thing you can do today before you decide to jump on any one of those diet bandwagons, is educate yourself. Find a plan that will suit YOU most. Something you can stick to long term and finally make that change.

Its not a diet.. its a lifestyle change!

Also don’t do keto!

Unless you enjoy being miserable that is..